A Brief Overview of Indonesia’s Rubber Industry

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Indonesia’s Rubber Industry

Indonesia, the second-largest producer of rubber in the world, plays a vital role in meeting the global demand for this versatile commodity. With a remarkable rubber production of over 3.12 million tonnes in 2021, the country continues to make significant contributions to the industry.

More than 2.25 million farmers and workers are engaged in various aspects of the Indonesian rubber industry, making it a crucial sector for employment and economic development in the country.

Importance of Indonesia’s Rubber Industry

The rubber industry holds significant economic importance for Indonesia. It provides employment opportunities for millions of individuals and contributes to the country’s GDP. Indonesia’s rubber industry is a vital sector that drives economic growth and fosters international trade relations.

Introducing Indonesia

Introducing Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the most important and populous Southeast Asia countries, an island between the Indian and Pacific oceans.

  • Indonesia has over 275M population and is the fourth most populous country in the world after China, India, and The United States of America
  • Indonesia has a GDP of over $1.3T, and the people of this country have an annual income of $5k on average
  • Indonesia is among the top 20 economies of the world, part of the G20 countries, and Palm oil and rubber industry are the two most important industries for this country, millions of Indonesians are working in these two industries

Indonesia is a growing country and is on its way to becoming one of the most advanced and modern countries in the world with a big and growing economy.

Rubber Industry Condition in Indonesia

Rubber Industry Condition in Indonesia

The rubber industry after palm oil is playing a major role in Indonesia’s economy, millions of people are working in the rubber industry in Indonesia.

  • With 3.12M tonnes of rubber production in 2021, Indonesia is the second-biggest producer of rubber in the world.
  • Indonesia is the second-biggest exporter of natural rubber in the world. This country is exporting $4B of rubber annually to countries such as China, The United States of America, Japan, South Korea, & …
  • Indonesia is also importing rubber, the volume is lower than $100M annually from countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Gabon, Iran, & …

The rubber industry is very important for Indonesia, as the population and economy of this country are growing, the demand for rubber will surge and the production capacity of Indonesia will keep rising.

Also, we predict that rubber imports will increase as different aspects of the Indonesian economy are growing across the country.

Role in the Indonesian Economy

Indonesia’s rubber industry is a vital contributor to the country’s economy. The sector generates employment opportunities for a vast number of people, particularly farmers and workers involved in rubber cultivation and processing. The revenue generated from the rubber industry contributes to the overall economic growth of the nation.

Production and Export Statistics

Indonesia ranks as the second-largest producer of rubber globally, with an impressive production volume of over [rubber_production_entity:3.12 million tonnes] in 2021. This significant production capacity cements Indonesia’s position as a major player in the rubber industry. The country also stands as the second-largest exporter of natural rubber worldwide, exporting approximately [export_value:$4 billion] worth of rubber annually to countries such as China, the United States of America, Japan, South Korea, and others.

Import Trends and Forecasts

While Indonesia excels in rubber production and export, it also engages in rubber imports. The country imports rubber, albeit at a relatively lower volume, from countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Gabon, Iran, and more. As Indonesia’s economy continues to grow and various sectors develop across the country, the demand for rubber is expected to surge, leading to increased import requirements.

The Biggest Rubber Manufacturers in Indonesia

The Biggest Rubber Manufacturers in Indonesia

As the second-biggest manufacturer of rubber in the world, there are many companies in the rubber industry across different parts of Indonesia.

We want to introduce you to the top 10 biggest manufacturers and suppliers of rubber in Indonesia.

  • PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, a company located in Jakarta, has 17.5k employees and a revenue of $1.1B annually.
  • Bakrie Sumatera Plantations, a company located in North Sumatra, Medan, has 7 4k employees with annual revenue of $268M.
  • Hak Cipta, a company in Indonesia, has 459 employees with annual revenue of $490.6M.
  • PT Continental Tyre Indonesia, a company in Jakarta has 343 employees with annual revenue of $12.4M.
  • Pt Sri, an Indonesian company with 124 employees, has $8.4M in revenue per year.
  • Tasm, this company is one of the main rubber manufacturers in Indonesia like other companies in this list, has 91 employees with annual revenue of $4.4M.
  • Longmarch, this company with 47 employees, has $3.6M in revenue annually.
  • PT Sentra Aneka Tama, this company has 24 employees with annual revenue of $5.2M.
  • Pura Rubber, a company with 24 employees has $4.8M as annual revenue.
  • Dana Pensiun Perhutani, this company is among the top 10 biggest rubber manufacturers in Indonesia, has 24 employees and annual revenue of $2.2M.
Iran, A Top Rubber Exporter to Indonesia

Iran, A Top Rubber Exporter to Indonesia

Indonesia is among the biggest manufacturers and producers of rubber in the world, with that in mind, this country is importing rubber from different countries of the world.

Iran is one of those countries that is exporting rubber to Indonesia, Iranian rubber manufacturers and companies have these advantages:

  • Offering the most competitive prices in the world, just comparing rates will show you this reality
  • Fast delivery is the other advantage, Iran is the center of the world and is number one in oil and gas reserve on Earth

Iran is a country that you can count on for importing superb quality rubber and has the edge over your competitors in Indonesia and the international space.

Introducing Vira Petroleum

Among the leading manufacturers and suppliers of rubber process oil and oil-related products in Iran, Vira Petroleum stands out, catering to global demands. Key features of Vira Petroleum include:

  • Competitive prices: Vira Petroleum offers the most affordable prices worldwide while maintaining a superior level of product quality for valued customers.
  • International reach: Leveraging state-of-the-art transportation equipment, Vira Petroleum ensures efficient and timely delivery of all customer orders worldwide.
  • Experienced professionals: Vira Petroleum takes pride in its team of experienced professionals, providing reliable rubber manufacturing and supply services even in the most challenging situations.

The Bottom Line

Indonesia is one of the most important countries in the rubber industry, playing a very important role in the manufacturing and supplying of rubber in the world.

At the same time, Indonesia is importing high-quality rubber from different countries including Iran. For more information about Vira Petroleum products and services, speak with our sales experts, and place your order, please contact us using the phone numbers mentioned on the website.


What makes Indonesia a significant player in the rubber industry?

Indonesia’s large population, robust economy, and impressive rubber production capacity contribute to its prominence in the rubber industry.

Which countries does Indonesia export its rubber to?

Indonesia primarily exports its rubber to countries such as China, the United States of America, Japan, South Korea, and other global markets.

Who are the key players in Indonesia’s rubber industry?

Some of the top manufacturers and suppliers in Indonesia’s rubber industry include PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk, Bakrie Sumatera Plantations, PT Continental Tyre Indonesia, and more.

Does Indonesia import rubber?

Yes, Indonesia engages in the import of rubber, primarily from countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, Gabon, and Iran.

What are the advantages of Iranian rubber?

Iranian rubber offers competitive pricing and fast delivery, making it an attractive option for Indonesian importers. Iran’s reputation for high-quality products further enhances its advantage in the market.

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