Iran Wax; supply and export

For those interested in using this colorless, odorless, and tasteless substance effectively, Vira petroleum, as an Iran wax exporter, offers the benefits of Iranian wax. Iran wax is available in several types. If you wish, you may purchase a variety of high-performance Iranian waxes.

Wax has been used by men throughout history for various reasons and applications. Wax is known by a variety of names. In fact, wax is a chemically diverse group of materials. As a result of recent technological advances and changes, it has become possible to purchase materials and chemicals known as WAX.

Regardless of your end-use, this multipurpose material is available at great prices in excellent quality at Vira Petroleum, the Iranian wax supplier. In refineries, wax is a petrochemical product, so it is quite connected to oil. In refinery towers, wax resembles bitumen, but their color difference distinguishes them. In contrast to wax which has a dark to light brown color, bitumen is quite black.


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Classification of petroleum wax

Crude oil contains petroleum wax, a solid or semi-solid hydrocarbon. The followings are types of waxes available in Iranian wax exporters. Dewaxed fraction of petroleum is produced by dewaxing lubricating-oil fractions. Classification of wax is complicated, but based on some resources, there are five types, which two of them are available at Vira oetroleum, the wax exporter:

Crystalline wax

Refined residual oil or heavy distilled oil separated from vacuum distilled residual wax at ambient temperature is crystalline wax. In distillation, the lubricating fractions result in crystalline wax. Crystalline waxes have a melting point between 120°F and 150°F (48°C and 65°C).

Microcrystalline wax

The oil and solid wax are vacuum distilled, refined at ambient temperature, and then purified. Microcrystalline wax is composed of crude oil residuals. microcrystalline wax has a melting point of 150–175°F (65–79°C)


Wax extracted and purified from vacuum distillation residues at ambient temperature that is semi-solid at room temperature. A highly purified version is known as Vaseline, which is used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Typical melting points for petrolatum wax range from 150°F to 175°F (65°C to 79°C).

Paraffin wax

Typically, paraffin comes in the solid wax form as a byproduct of oil processing. A common ingredient in cosmetics, paraffin is available in a number of forms. As mineral oils, they are used for beauty creams and lotions, while paraffin wax is used in manicures, pedicures, and cuticle care treatments in beauty salons. The other benefit of paraffin is that it can be used as a soothing medicine for muscle pain and aching joints. It can also increase blood flow and improve joint mobility. As a wax exporter, at Vira Petroleum, we offer high quality wax of paraffin.

Slack wax

Slack waxes are minimally refined high-oil products. Often used “as it is” with relatively high levels of oil content or further refined to produce more refined waxes, lubricating oils are derived from them. There is a wide range of melting points for slack waxes, ranging from 105°F to 150°F, and oil content can be as high as 35%. In addition to wax emulsions, construction boards, matches, candles, and moisture-proofing products, slack wax is also used to manufacture moisture vapor barriers.

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Where does microcrystalline wax come from?

By refining petroleum residue, microcrystalline waxes can be made; other methods include removing the oil from petroleum jelly using a solvent. As the temperature of the solvent changes, so do the properties of the waxes.

What is the difference between paraffin wax and microcrystalline wax?

The branched molecular structure and long hydrocarbon chains of microcrystalline wax differentiate it from refined paraffin wax. Also, the melting point of microcrystalline waxes is higher than that of paraffin waxes.

Why microcrystalline is used in petroleum jelly?

Its melting point is usually higher than paraffin wax, and it is tougher, more flexible, and more flexible than microcrystalline wax. Microcrystalline wax also contains a fine crystal structure that allows it to bind solvents and oil, preventing compositions from sweating out.

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