Recycled base Oil supplier


Vira Petroleum, as a recycled base oil exporter, takes used oils and produces recycled oil, additionally creating new products from recycled base oil. Recycled base oil exporters export eco-friendly oil that produces less carbon dioxide than virgin oil. Producing virgin base oil consumes a lot of energy and produces high carbon dioxide levels. Therefore, producers face high demand for recycled base oil rather than virgin oil. Globally, the increased attention paid to environmental sustainability provides opportunities for base oil exporters and producers. In addition, virgin oil is becoming more difficult to produce as feedstock becomes less available. This drives the need for recycled base oils.

Oil recycling from industries and motor oil, also known as black oil, make up most of the used oil. Fuel quality and engine condition can affect used oil’s quality and contamination rate. A further factor that affects the quality of recycled base oil is the number of gases released by the fuel. This causes the oil to become acidic.


Our products come from the best refineries in Iran!

Recycled Base Oil specification

Property Unit Test Method Result
grade Sn70 Sn150 Sn 350 Sn 500
Viscosity @ 100°C CST ASTM D445 1.48 6-75 6.5 9.5-10.5
Viscosity Index ASTM D2270 85 100-110 100 95
Color ASTM D1500 1-1.5 1.5-2 2.0 2.0-2.5
Flash Point °C ASTM D92 120 170-180 190 180
Pour Point °C ASTM D97 -3 -3-0 -3 0
Density @ 15°C g/m3 ASTM D1298 0.875 0.885
Density @ 15°C kg/m3 ASTM D4052 834.8 868-874

Recycled base oil packaging

Recycled base oil packaging in Vira petroleum

We package recycled base oil in the following ways:

  • New or used 180kg drums
  • Iso tank (20 tons)
  • Flexi tanks (20 tons)
  • IBC tank

Each 20-foot container takes 80 drums and 1 Flexi tank, and an ISO tank.

We always provide a total package for your liquid bulk product delivery. We search for the most advantageous bulk transport solution based on the necessary loading, unloading location, and the product to be transported.

We also ensure that your products move correctly and optimally throughout the supply chain and choose the most suitable Flexi tank according to your product type.

almost always, We recommend using a Flexi bag (Flexi tank) for recycled base oil packaging.

Flexi tanks with 24,000 liters are economical due to one-way use and are suitable for any destination. These are just a few of the numerous benefits that flexitanks offer. A Flexi tank is the best option for liquid chemicals like Based Oil,  Recycled base oil, RPO, and other substances.  And Also, the Flexi tank is more economical than other transportation methods such as ISO tank, IBS tank, and barrel.

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Base oil characteristics

Base oil characteristics

  • Purity
  • Volatility
  • Oxidation
  • Pour point
  • Thermal stability
  • Sulfur and saturate content
  • Viscosity and viscosity index
  • Hydrolytic stability (water resistance)

Recycled base oil application

Recycled base oil application

Due to its low cost, recycled gear oil is widely used in the lubrication of electric motors, large chainsaws, old motors in mechanical and industrial machines, and simple devices. A lot of industrial sites, factories, and automobile shops use it. Using recycled gear oil as a fuel additive is quite popular in some countries. There are several uses for recycled base oil, among them the following 5:

  • Burner oil for industrial use
  • For mixing in Base bitumen products
  • A lubricant, hydraulic oil, transformer oil, rubber processing oil, metal working oil or engine oils made from a re-refined base oil
  • Making products come out of their mold by releasing the oil (such as metal products, concrete)
  • Used in certain industrial products as an additive

Recycled Base oil features

 Recycled Base oil features

Vira petroleum recycled base oils are the best options for compounding and combining your heavy-duty lubricants due to these advantageous properties:

  • Low Odor
  • Low Sulfur
  • Light Color
  • color stability
  • Thermal Stability
  • Viscosity Stability
  • High Viscosity Index
  • Superior API Gravities
  • Low Volatility for NOACK
  • High Oxidative Stability
  • Low Aromatics impurities
  • Good solubility characteristics

Recycled oil exporter in the Middle East

Oil fields have been exploited in the Middle East due to infrastructure development – Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are examples. In 2002, the three main Middle East oil producers – Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia – produced about 13 million barrels per day on average. This represented about 17% of global production.

Oil sales have produced immense wealth and a booming economy in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait. Specially Iranian recycled oil exporters brought great success through this opportunity.

The popularity of recycled base oil

There are environmental, health, and economic advantages to recycling used motor oil. When you look at the present-day damage caused by non-recycled oil, it’s easy to understand how recycled oil could make a difference. Incorrectly disposing of oil in landfills, ditches, and waterways or dumping it on the ground or into storm sewers could lead to groundwater and surface water contamination. one gallon of oil is enough to contaminate one million gallons of drinking water. Oil can also severely harm aquatic plants and animals, and submerged vegetation can suffer, hindering photosynthesis. The pollution in our waterways could drastically decrease if more motor oil were recycled.

In addition to protecting the environment, used motor oil can also enhance public health. Oil circulates through an engine and collects debris and contaminants, including dirt, rust, and metal particles. Oil additives can also be destroyed by engine heat, releasing acids and creating a variety of other substances. The oil can also get contaminated with exhaust gases or antifreeze when the engine is running. All of these substances increase the toxicity of oil when mixed with it. This oil is considered a severe threat to public health if incorrectly disposed of.

The economy benefits from recycling used motor oil. Combustion engines can re-refine and re-use oil, making it a valuable resource. Oil is a nonrenewable resource, which makes finding new reserves increasingly difficult in the future. Recycling allows us time to develop alternative fuels and become less dependent on foreign oil. All in all, recycled oil exporters can benefit from this popularity.

Oils that are used as lubricants or in two-stroke engines lose their lubricating effects and cannot be recycled due to pollution from internal and external sources and the formation of chemical additives. In general, waste oil is not suitable for recycling.

Yet, barely 10% of the 1.3 billion gallons of old motor oil that are produced each year get processed globally. Hence, 5% of the market for lubricants is made up of recycled base oil.

Recycled base oil refining method

Oil recycling happens through different methods:

  • Acid method (sulfuric acid)
  • Non-acidic method (alkaline – bentonite)
  • Hydrogenation
  • Centrifugation

First, recycling companies purchase burnt oils from mechanics and oil changes. The raw materials are stored in the factory, and then the refinement process begins. It is common for purchased oil to contain contamination, such as water, diesel, or heavy metal shavings, which are removed during initial processing. They are then used as scrap feed by steel producers. As an Iranian recycled base oil exporter, we tend to recycle base oil using the best technologies in the most modern and economical ways.

Handling health & Safety base oil

All types of  Recycled base oils do not pose any special toxic hazards under normal use conditions.

However, all lubricants, regardless of type, should be handled carefully, especially to prevent contact with the skin.

Keep away from combustible materials and avoid splashing. Keep items covered and away from potential pollution sources. Don’t pour used oil into drains, waterways, or the soil; properly dispose of it.

You should take the following actions in the event of inhalation, skin and eye contact, and s Ingestion.


Remove the victim from the situation so that you don’t become a casualty. Loosen the remaining clothing and remove any contaminated items. Assume the patient’s most cozy position and maintain warmth. Keep at rest until the patient recovered completely. Consult a doctor if the symptoms continue.

Skin Contact

In general, do not cause an allergy to the base oil, if it comes into contact with the skin, wipe it off and then wash the skin with water. Also, seek medical help if there is swelling, redness, blisters, or irritation.

Eye contact

If contact occurs, immediately rinse your eyes with water. Visiting a doctor is a reasonable precaution in all instances of eye contamination.


In case of ingestion, rinse the mouth with water and do not try throw up.

What is recycled base oil?

In general, recycled base oil, also known as used oil, refers to any mineral oil used as a lubricant or heat transfer medium in production and industrial processes. Asphalt or unsaturated polar compounds are formed when the oil reacts with oxygen.

What is recycled base oil used for?

The process involves recycling used oils and oil filters. You can re-refine used oil into lubricants, turn it into fuel oils, or store it as raw materials for petrochemical and refining industries. Steel producers can also recycle scrap metal from oil filters as scrap feed by re-using them as oil filter scraps.

Is synthetic oil made from recycled base oil?

Almost distilled crude oil is almost always used to make synthetic oils. Synthetic oils are typically crafted from chemically modified materials such as petroleum components. It is a synthetic lubricant that consists of chemical compounds artificially synthesized.

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