Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil

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Without oils, our civilized life would not function as it does. Internal combustion engines, wind generators, and industrial machinery require adequate oil. Oils serve a variety of functions. They create a defensive layer to shield them from deterioration to operate two mechanical components without too much power. Oils are also required for the transmission of pressures and the passage of temperature. Lubricants come in a wide range of compositions to match the wide range of functions.

The viscosity of the oil is an essential component. Viscosity, an oil’s resistance to flow, indicates an oil’s structural integrity. Shear force divided by shear velocity is used to determine viscosity. High viscosity oils contain particles with more unification capability (higher barrier to flow). In contrast, low viscosity oils possess reduced integration capability (low resistance to flow), leading to faster fluid velocity. This post goes through the index’s significance for the oil viscosity.

Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil - Vira Petroleum Company

What Exactly Is Viscosity?

We must first appreciate the viscosity of oils to understand the viscosity index. Viscosity is a measurement of the complex molecular resistance that prevents oil from flowing when it is affected by external pressures. It can be evaluated from two main viewpoints and is also known as evaluating an oil’s resistance to flow. The first is the oil’s propensity to drift, which can be seen physically. It could be compared to how long it requires to see oil flow out of a box. Kinematic viscosity, which is represented in terms that indicate flow volume over time, is the expression used to designate this. The centistoke is the most popular measure of kinematic viscosity (CST).

Measuring friction can also be used to determine the viscosity of the oil. This can be compared to the power needed to propel a product through a liquid. Water can be stirred with a scoop with little effort. However, using the same spoon to swirl honey requires much more effort. It is referred to as visible viscosity and is measured in centipoise values (cP). Light, soft, and mild are general adjectives that describe the oil’s viscosity and imply that it moves quickly, like water. In the example of honey, terms such as dense, thick, and strong indicate how well the oil resists flow.

Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil - Vira Petroleum Company

Viscosity Types

Both the kinematic and dynamic viscosity of the oils is commonly used to quantify and quantify consistency. Despite the similarities in the explanations, the two have significant differences.

Kinematic viscosity measures an oil’s resistance to flow and turbulence brought on by gravity. Consider pouring one pipette with heavy motor oil and another one with turbine oil. Which one will run out of the lab flask more quickly if turned on its edge? Since the kinematic viscosity of oil controls, the proportional flow velocity, the turbine oil will stream more rapidly.

Let’s now talk about dynamic viscosity. Put a steel stick into the same two lab flask to determine the viscosity’s dynamic value. Apply the force needed to swirl each oil at the same speed after using the stick to mix the oil. Compared to the effort required to stir turbine oil, more energy is needed to swirl motor oil.

This finding can lead one to believe that the motor oil has a greater viscosity than the turbine oil and so takes more effort to swirl. As a result of the viscosity of the oil and the shearing caused by mechanical resistance, motor oil has a higher dynamic density than turbine oil.

The oil’s density affects Newtonian fluids’ viscosities dynamically and kinematically. This correlation does not apply to all oils, however. It can result in mistakes if we are unaware of dynamic and kinematic viscosity distinctions. These oils include polymeric viscosity index (VI) enhancers and highly polluted or deteriorated lubricants.

Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil - Vira Petroleum Company

What Exactly Is A Viscosity Index? What Is the Connection to Viscosity?

The speed at which viscosity changes concerning temperature is known as the viscosity index (VI). It indicates that temperature has an impact on viscosity as well.

The degree to which an oil’s viscosity will decrease as temperature rises will depend, in part, on the oil’s composition and grade.

The viscosity index is the most crucial factor in oil characterization and grade evaluation (VI). This non – dimensional value represents the oil’s viscosity as a heat function.

  • The low viscosity of the oils have dramatically varying viscosities at various levels of heat 
  • The high viscosity of the oils only exhibits minor fluctuations in thickness when the temperature changes.
Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil - Vira Petroleum Company

What Role Does the Viscosity of the Oil Have in an Engine’s Performance?

The oil’s viscosity impacts how fast the oil flows back to the engine, how effectively it passes through the filter, and how efficiently it can be pushed to the moving parts. All of this will occur more readily the lower the viscosity. Because the oil is excellent and rather heavy, early begins are essential for a motor.

However, the oil’s ability to maintain a given pressure at the connecting-rod decreases as viscosity decreases. The more force it can bear, the greater the viscosity. Even this comes with a cost because higher viscosities cause more gear drag and, consequently, possible energy losses or higher oil usage. Optimal workload stability is achieved by minimizing energy waste.

It would be best if you generally stuck to the specified viscosity for your motor because motor life is crucial for residential applications. Because achievement is more important in motor racing than engine life, highly efficient motors can utilize lower viscosity of oil to maximize energy yield to the tires. However, higher oil viscosity may still be necessary because these motors produce a lot more thermal energy.

Top 6 Simple Factors That Improve the Viscosity of the Oil - Vira Petroleum Company

Crucial Elements That Affect How Oil Viscosity Improves

Viscosity can be modified by several factors, including but not restricted to oxidation, polymerization, impurities, anti-freeze, water intrusion, and the addition of the incorrect oil type. Viscosity drops could be caused by improper oil added, fuel depletion, sheering down of the VI, thermal stress, or prolonged oil drainage intervals.

How the Viscosity Alters

Consider the particles of oil as a sizable bunch of several entire vegetables. The veggies transform into a flowing body and pour out of the container as you tilt it. Tomatoes, peas, garlic, pumpkins, and potatoes are the vegetables in the bowl. The veggies’ weights and sizes vary, much like the molecules of regular mineral oil.

When processed crude oil, the particles are divided into broad groups according to their molecular weight (small, medium, and large, for instance). A particular oil’s viscosity reflects the typical size of its molecules. Small molecules have a lower density (thin oil), and large molecules have a higher viscosity (thick oil).

The regular size of the molecules must vary to alter viscosity. Most mineral oils have a range of sized molecules depending on their consistency. On the other hand, a high oil viscosity results in a big dominating size.

The lower viscosity of oil behaves in the exact reverse way. Returning to the vegetable example, removing all the peas would alter the consistency of the bowl of mixed veggies. The veggies’ viscosity and average size would continue both rises as a result. Warm oil in grease can have the same effect by boiling off tiny molecules.

The pumpkin could be cut into quarters to reduce its stickiness. Oil molecules are susceptible to “cleaving” or breaking apart when subjected to sweltering degrees. Adding more garlic, tomatoes, and peas to the veggie basket would be another option to lessen its viscosity.

This is comparable to mixing low-viscosity of oil with high-viscosity of oil. Between the two is the viscosity of the combined substance. This kind of shrinking also happens when gasoline contamination in engine oil happens.

Utilizing our veggie bowl comparison, the following enumerates how viscosity might alter:

Reduce Viscosity:

  1. Increase the number of tiny molecules (mixing fuel with oil).
  2. Cut away a few giant molecules (electrostatic removal of oxide insoluble).
  3. Separate the giant molecule into more manageable fragments (shear thinning of VI improvers and lubricant cracking).

Enhance Viscosity:

  1. Increase the number of sizable molecules (adding a more viscous make-up oil).
  2. Take out a few tiny molecules (boiling off light hydrocarbon fractions).
  3. Attach many little molecules to a big poly-molecule group (oxidation, polymerization, etc.).

Consequences of zero-sum viscosity (two concurrently balancing events):

  1. Both big and tiny molecules are provided simultaneously (When dust and fuel are present in engine oil, dirt raises viscosity, and fuel reduces it.)
  2. Sunder (broken into pieces) giant molecules while simultaneously removing tiny molecules (Extreme heat chemically splits oil particles, releasing gas that causes the oil to evaporate).


The measure that best illustrates the lubricant’s temperature-related circulation characteristics is its viscosity index. There are many possibilities for mineral oils in the marketplace. Still, it is always advisable to verify the product’s standards to provide a suitable lubrication option. One may attain the machinery’s maximal life span and efficient performance with an acceptable alternative and precise viscosity index.

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