How to Know the Top Biggest Oil Exporters in 2022

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One of the world’s most profitable resources now is oil, sometimes known as petroleum. There is no doubt that oil is one of the most vital commodities in the world today since it is necessary for manufacturing gas, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and many other items. Only when oil is no longer left to be extracted does the cycle of producing oil end. The operation of mining, processing, and using fossil fuels like oil is environmentally destructive. Therefore, it is a double-edged blade. While other nations have more outstanding oil deposits than the U.S., the United States is the world’s top exporter and user of oil. Despite having the most significant products in the world, the United States also buys oil from numerous other nations.

Most nations around the globe generate oil in some form or another. Barrels per day, or BPD, are used to quantify oil and gas supply. The majority of oil-producing nations pump thousands, if not millions, of barrels daily, with their overall supply frequently constrained by economic factors rather than their extraction capacity. For instance, when Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022, gas prices spiked dramatically, but American oil corporations opted to accept the higher earnings per gallon rather than raise output.

How to Know the Top Biggest Oil Exporters in 2022 - Vira Petroleum Company

Biggest oil exporters outside of OPEC

Non-OPEC manufacturers generate 60% of the oil reserves. OPEC does not cause all of the oil reserves, with non-OPEC manufacturers developing 60%. These non-OPEC exporters also experience rising output challenges. Many non-OPEC suppliers, according to experts, have aging, less efficient reservoirs, increased project budget, and occasionally increased domestic needs that might reduce exports. Unconventional oil output has increased due to increased prices making challenging oil operations more profitable, but this could reverse. A moment when it is harder to make significant investments in oil supply due to restrictive finance conditions, oil price instability, and commodity nationalism occurs when non-OPEC oil is declining. The biggest oil exporters outside of OPEC are as follow:


Russia contributed $74.4 billion, or 11.6%, of all exports in 2020. Productivity peaked at 10.5 million barrels per day annually, produced by renowned companies like Rosneft, Surgutneftegas, and Gazprom. 11% of the world’s total oil supply comes from this.

The European marketplace and the Russian oil sector heavily depend on European imports. Europe received 48% of gas supplies in 2020. Between 2011 and 2020, petroleum accounted for almost 43% of Russia’s federal income.

After Russia took Crimea from Ukraine in 2014, the United States and the European Union (EU) imposed economic sanctions on the country. As a result, accessibility to financing markets in these areas is restricted for Russian energy enterprises. Following Russia’s incursion of Ukraine in February 2022, the United States was forced to impose even tougher sanctions, including a restriction on Russian oil sales.

United States

In 2020, the United States shipped oil worth $52.3 billion, or 8.17% of all exported. Between 2011 and 2020, the nation’s oil production climbed considerably. The United States pumped 18.61 million barrels of oil per day in 2020 or nearly 20% of the world’s output.

Several large oil companies are headquartered in the United States, such as Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhilips, and Chevron (CVX) (XOM).


With an estimated 3,838,000 barrels of oil extracted daily, China is one of the largest oil producers. Interestingly, the size of a country’s people and its whole territory have minimal bearing on the amount of oil produced. The country’s prowess in finding and oil extraction, its diplomatic ties, and the laws dictating where it can and cannot pump oil are more important considerations. For instance, Iran in the Middle East, not China, is where most of China’s oil is derived from. China has observed as its oil supply levels have steadily decreased over time.


In 2020, Canada exported 47.2 billion dollars worth of oil or 7.37% of the world’s total. Its 167 billion barrels of known oil deposits rank third in the world. The oil dunes of Alberta are where most of such warranties are found.

As is frequently the case, the Canadian oil sector is strongly linked to the American market. In 2018, 48% of all U.S. oil purchases came from Canada, and 96% of Canadian oil sales were to the country.


2020 ranked Kazakhstan as the biggest oil exporter. $25.2 billion, or 3.94% of the world average, was its sales. The Oil and Gas Journal reports that Kazakhstan had a capacity of 30 billion barrels in 2018. It put it in the world’s top 12 for stocks, just below the United States.

Two coastal sources in Kazakhstan’s northwest and one in the Caspian Sea is where the nation gets its petroleum.


With Mexico being one of the biggest oil exporters in the world, it has confirmed oil deposits of more than 10 billion barrels. In 2003, its main mega drilling rig (Cantarell, offshore of Campeche state), one of the largest traditional oil wells in the Western Hemisphere, reached peak production of more than 2 million barrels per day. Maintaining current manufacturing levels well into the twenty-first century is still challenging. Chicontepec, a possible supermassive oil hole in Mexico, is thought to store 17 billion barrels of oil comparable and is home to about 40% of the nation’s resources. The majority of the petroleum is extra-heavy crude, which has slowed progress.


Norway contributed 3.53% of the world’s oil market in 2020, with oil exports worth $22.6 billion. As a result, it ranks as the biggest oil exporter globally.

Norway is the country in Western Europe with enormous oil deposits, and it supplies the bulk of its oil to its nearby European countries. Despite a gradual decline in output throughout the twenty-first century, the oil sector still contributes more than 20% of GDP and 50% of Norway’s sales.


Brazil, the only nation from Latin America on this list, produced about 2.9 million barrels per day in 2019, contributing about 3% of the world’s total production.

Because the nation’s exploration and production (E&P) sector was freed from the state’s control in 1995, its oil resources and supply level have consistently expanded. Petrobras’s government-backed business is still very engaged in Brazil’s national oil sector.

Pre-salt deepwater operations in the Santos and Campos Basins, found in the South Atlantic Ocean south of Rio de Janeiro, account for most of Brazil’s oil output.

How to Know the Top Biggest Oil Exporters in 2022 - Vira Petroleum Company

Biggest Oil Exporters in OPEC

Opec is a long-standing, multinational group of growing nations that produce oil, and it integrates and harmonizes the national oil strategies of its members. To prevent detrimental and wasteful oscillations, OPEC works to stabilize oil prices on global oil markets, always keeping in mind the needs of countries that produce oil and the need to provide a consistent revenue flow. Equally crucial is OPEC’s responsibility to ensure a reliable, cost-effective flow of oil to developing countries and a just return on investment for those who participate in the oil sector.

Saudi Arabia

Until the United Arab Emirates surpassed it as the biggest oil exporter in 2019, this Middle Eastern oil superpower held that status. Saudi Arabia reclaimed the top rank with oil exports of $95.7 billion in 2020. That amounts to 15% of all oil shipments worldwide. Additionally, it continues to be the leading biggest oil exporter in OPEC, generating nearly 12 million barrels daily, or almost 15% of the world’s supply in 2020.

About 15% of the world’s largest oil deposits are in Saudi Arabia. As a result, the sector generates more than half of the country’s income and up to 70% of the nation’s exports.


OPEC and Russia have urged some of the world’s biggest oil exporters to agree and support a quantity supplied through the end of 2018.

Iraq is the second-biggest oil exporter and producer of OPEC, but Baghdad has not yet reduced production to the rates it committed to last winter. In 2016, Iraq produced 3.8 mb/d, according to OPEC figures.

Emirate of the Arabs

According to OPEC data, the United Arab Emirates supplied over 2.5 mb/d in 2016. Oil and gas production accounts for almost 40% of the nation’s GDP. The country, comprised of seven emirates on the Arabian Peninsula, became a member of OPEC in 1967.


According to OPEC calculations, Kuwait produced more than 2.1 mb/d in 2016. Around 60% of the nation’s GDP and 95% of its sales earnings come from this OPEC member’s oil and gas industry.


With an output growth of more than 3.5 million BPD, Iran, an Opec founding member, supplied around 3.7% of the world’s oil in 2019.

Despite controlling approximately 10% of the world’s proven oil resources, the country has been unable to fully exploit the market viability of its oil profits due to severe economic sanctions in reaction to its nuclear weapons development.

The government-controlled National Iranian Oil Company, which has its headquarters in the Iranian capital Tehran, is in charge of Iran’s enormous oil (and gas) resources.


According to OPEC, Venezuela produced about 1.9 mb/d in 2016. Despite having the world’s most outstanding oil deposits, the South American nation is currently experiencing a severe dilemma. Years of poor management of the economy were the initial cause of the current unrest, which was then made worse by a three-year decline in oil prices.

Food scarcity, skyrocketing inflation, and violent public brawls have plagued Venezuela as President Nicolas Maduro has concentrated on paying off foreign creditors. Ninety-five percent or more of the nation’s sales income comes from oil.


Africa’s biggest oil exporter and production are Nigeria, the most populous member of OPEC.

According to OPEC data, the nation barely topped Angola in 2016, producing slightly more than 1.7 mb/d.


Angola In 2016, according to information provided by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Angola produced 1.7 million barrels per day (mb/d) (OPEC).

Angola’s economic output (GDP) and around 95% of its sales are derived from oil extraction and related financial activities. Angola has risen to be the organization’s sixth-biggest oil exporter since joining in 2007.

How to Know the Top Biggest Oil Exporters in 2022 - Vira Petroleum Company

Middle Eastern contracts for oil and gas

According to GlobalData’s inventory of oil and gas agreements, the number of oil and gas contracts in the Middle East increased by 62% in June 2022, from 29 contracts to 47. Compared to the 45 deal mean for the previous 12 months, the engagement was up 4%.

How to Know the Top Biggest Oil Exporters in 2022 - Vira Petroleum Company

Middle Eastern Final Contract Events in June 2022

Searching at contracts by nation, Saudi Arabia directed the action in June 2022 with 13 agreements, accounting for 28% of all oil and gas contracts. It saw an increase of 63% compared to its peers of eight contracts in Saudi Arabia over the preceding 12 months and a rise of 117% over the prior month’s maximum of 7 contracts.

Saudi Arabia claimed the first rank, according to the 12-month rolling average, with nine agreements, followed by Qatar and the UAE with eight and seven deals, respectively.

In June 2022, segment-specific oil and gas contracts for the Middle East

With 38 agreements in June 2022, the upstream sector accounted for most of the oil and gas deals in the Middle East, trailed by midstream with five contracts.

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